It is illegal to drive while impaired by drugs or alcohol. Drivers may be subject to scrutiny during targeted traffic stops or after a crash. Typically, police officers need reasonable proof of chemical intoxication to justify arresting a motorist. Police officers...
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Criminal Defense
3 different kinds of drug possession in Minnesota
Although social attitudes about drug use have changed, many laws remain the same. Those who get caught with drugs are at risk of criminal prosecution. Individuals accused of drug possession in Minnesota may face very serious criminal charges. Factors including the...
What are the driver’s license penalties for a Minnesota DWI?
Police officers in Minnesota are always on the lookout for impaired drivers. They arrest people who swerve all over the road and those who fail chemical tests after a collision. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges in Minnesota can cause a variety of personal...
Why counting drinks doesn’t prevent drunk driving charges
People know there are strict rules governing the operation of motor vehicles. For example, the law imposes a strict limit on how much alcohol someone can have in their bloodstream while driving. The rules of the road should theoretically help keep everyone safe in...
When does Minnesota prosecute people for prescription medication offenses?
Prescription medication can help people treat a variety of health challenges from diabetes to infections. Many prescribed medications could potentially be dangerous if taken in conjunction with other drugs or in excessive amounts. Therefore, the law in Minnesota...
Legal and social impact of a DUI charge
Whether you mistakenly thought you were sober enough to drive or wrongly accused at a DUI checkpoint, several consequences can impact your life if you don't challenge your charge. Fortunately, you can take a stance through Minnesota's legal system. But understanding...
The walk-and-turn test is challenging for many motorists
In the 1980s, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration developed standardized field sobriety tests. They help police officers determine whether motorists are operating their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol, and they are commonly used in parts...
Drunk driving deaths increased in 2021
At one time, drunk driving was almost socially acceptable. Eventually, years of public awareness campaigns and increased penalties for intoxicated driving raised public awareness about the dangers. However, serious accidents happen on Minnesota roads because drunken...
Reliability issues with some forensic evidence
Forensic evidence is a pillar of the justice system in Minnesota and throughout the country, providing seemingly undeniable proof to support or refute criminal allegations. However, recent revelations and advancements in scientific understanding shed light on the...
Disputing a breath test in Minnesota
Minnesota police officers use breathalyzer tests to determine the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a driver’s blood. In Minnesota, a BAC higher than 0.08% is legally drunk for most drivers. A BAC higher than 0.04% is illegally drunk for commercial vehicle drivers....